Gafne Calling for Achdus as Election Nears

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Moshe Gafne is calling for achdus, highlighting the needs to place all differences aside ahead of the elections. The party’s main election body convened in the Har Chotzvim area of Yerushalayim on Monday afternoons, 18 Teves 5773, attended by MKs and askanim, planning the election strategy. They met to get down to business and map out the campaign as the 11 Shevat elections approach.

Gafne and his colleagues are painfully aware that their in-fighting and inability to work as a united unit has taken a toll, with elections only weeks away, 11 Shevat, and the polls less than encouraging. Add to this the Degel split with the Netzach party, and the situation is far from an optimal one.

Gafne called on his colleagues in both factions, his Degel Hatorah faction along with the chassidish Agudas Yisrael faction “to place all differences aside.” Gafne spoke of the common goal, and this must supersede all the issues upon which they remain divided. Degel colleague Rav Uri Maklev concurred, stating that the goal of an election success must remain the goal, one of paramount importance, one that must push all else aside.

Rav Menachem Eliezer Moses of the Agudah faction spoke as well, in agreement of course, adding they must have strong representation so the prime minister does not take the health portfolio from them as he plans to do with the housing portfolio with Shas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. All politicians want “achdus” – meaning their supporters and potential supporters unify behind the politician calling for unity.

    If he wants unity of the Torah community, he should be talking about what concessions he can make to unite all the frum parties, including Shas. Indeed, if all the Shomer Shabbos parties united, they would be in the running for winning the election (i.e.choosing the prime minister and the direction of the government) rather than positioning themselves for the best crumbs that Likud or Labor will have to toss them to form a coalition.

  2. If I am not mistaken there are 4 [or 5?] parties who are all shomrei shabbos and mikvah yidden – running on different lines! what a tragedy. as akuperma says, together on one line they could take over the government! everyone talks of achdus and NOBODY really does it!!

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