Eichler Angered at High Court Decision to Permit Zoabi to Run in Election

Rav Yisrael Eichler cynically praised the High Court of Justice decision to overturn the Central Election Committee’s ban against Arab MK Hanin Zoabi. Zoabi was banned from running for Knesset again in light of her participation in the Mavi Marmara flotilla against Israel and her repeated anti-Israeli statements.

“I congratulate Zoabi that she merited the cloak of protection of the High Court for the simple reason she is an Arab that is fighting for a greater Palestine.” Eichler added if the case was dealing with a frum or right-wing MK, the court’s outcome would be a different one entirely, citing the court’s decision from years ago when Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D and his Kach Party were disqualified and declared “illegal”.

He also cited the more recent decision disqualifying the election campaign of the Otzma Yisrael Party because it was too offensive to Arabs when it called for “no rights without responsibility”, simply stating that one who does not give to the nation cannot expect to benefit. The party explained the policy is aimed at all who take without giving, not necessarily Arabs, but the campaign was disqualified nonetheless.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Hisgaroos Be’emois at its best…

    shame on a chareidi politician to offend the Arabs for no constructive reason..

    The entire heter that the Agudah had to join the government was ostensibly based on the premise of getting thing done from “within” the government that would help torah jewry, so what buisiness does he have to make such inciteful comments

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