Chareidim Protest Efforts to Draft Them into the IDF

In a small orderly protest on Sunday night, the eve of 18 Teves 5773, about one hundred chareidim marched along HaNevi’im Street in Yerushalayim protesting against efforts to draft avreichim.

The protestors did not attempt to block traffic or get into a scuffle with police. They simply wished to have their message heard, that they oppose any and all efforts by the government to draft avreichim at the expense of their limud Torah.

The threat of a chareidi draft has become ‘the’ major issue in the Ashkenazi chareidi election campaign.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Are they opposing conscription because they are learning full time, or because they oppose army service even for Baal ha-Battim. The former is largely temporary for most people, even Hareidim, since very few manage to avoid getting jobs (even if those jobs have to be in the “grey” economy). The latter are anti-zionists with halachic objections to the Medinah, and conscripting them will pose a serious problem since most western countries consider it a human rights violations to conscript someone with religious objections to military service.

  2. #2 Most of those who are against serving in the army because they are learning full time, plan on learning all through their single years and for 2-8 if not more years after they are married. So it is not temporary, because they learn until they are past the max draft age.

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