Deri: Likud/Beitenu Represents White People & Russians

Yisrael Beitenu announced on Thursday 14 Teves 5773 that the Interior Ministry and Housing Ministry would remain in the hands of Likud/Beitenu following elections, and Shas would receive the Tourism Ministry and National Infrastructure Ministry in exchange for the two cabinet posts taken away.

Now wishing to suffer the insult without a response, Aryeh Deri told the media “The people’s party has become Likud/Beitenu, representing the smugness and arrogance of the Russians and white people (Ashkenazim). They degraded [Likud Minister of Welfare Moshe] Kahlon and they are now trying to do the same to the other Sephardi ministers. This is a wakeup call to all Sephardim.”

A message released by Shas officials stated “Now we know who really runs Likud/Beitenu. Yisrael Beitenu did a hostile takeover of Likud. Only a strong Shas will protect the Sephardim in the next Netanyahu-led government.”

Former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who heads the Yisrael Beitenu Party, told the weekly Mishpacha Magazine that following elections, the Housing and Interior portfolios, traditionally given to Shas, would remain in their hands, not Shas. Lieberman was condescending in the interview, stating “Shas will receive National Infrastructure, which is not bad. Also, Tourism, which can significantly advance Israel’s economy and I hope as a result of their tefilos, we will succeed.”

In regard to Deri, Lieberman said “Aryeh doesn’t have to be a minister. That is below him. He should be above this.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This mudslinging from Deri and increased negative rhetoric from Rav Yosef do not reflect well on Shas and are beginning to reflect a note of desparation. Rav Yosef’s directive to yeshiva students to interrupt their learning to become campaign workers seems to take bitul torah to new levels

  2. Well I guess I won’t vote for shas, since I am a white person of Russian descent. I guess I have to vote either Likud or Beitenu, huh?

    So much for Deri the racist…

  3. Gadolhadorah said “Rav Yosef’s directive to yeshiva students to interrupt their learning to become campaign workers seems to take bitul torah to new levels”

    So, let me get this straight. The real Gadol Hador says that it is now a time of “Eferu Torasecha”, but the YWN’s Gadolhadorah thinks that’s bitul Torah. I am confused… Which gadol should I listen to?

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