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Senior Mekubal: They Are Playing With Fire!

Prominent Mekubal HaRav Nissim Moiel has come out with a stern warning against anyone who compromises the kovod of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita.

According to a Kikar Shabbat report, the elderly Mekubal is pained and fearful over the events surrounding the general elections vis-à-vis the quid pro quo between Shas and other parties, particularly issues involving the kovod of Rav Ovadia.

The rav speaks of the importance of kovod HaTorah and the need to honor talmidei chacham, then breaking down in tears as he adds “I am scared. They are playing with fire”, he said in reference to the election campaign atmosphere in which Rav Ovadia’s kovod is under attack.

“He has been moser nefesh for Am Yisrael. I am afraid of him, trembling, for he cannot refrain from responding.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. These stories expressing concern about the “kavod” of Rabbi Yosef or other chashuve rabbonim are getting to be a bit comical. If rabbonim decide to get involved in the political process and issue highly negative or disparaging comments about candidate A or party B, than they should expect the mudslinging to find its way back to them. If they and their followers are so sensitive about their “kavod” it would be better that they take the high ground and stay out of politics

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