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בחייהם ובמותם לא נפרדו – Together in Life & Death; Couple Dies Hours Apart

A Bnei Brak couple, residents of Nechemia Street died during the night, Wednesday to Thursday, 14 Teves 5773, a number of hours apart from one another. Their levayas will be held Thursday.

Rav Kalman Rosner and his wife z”l died during the night a number of hours apart. The rav was 100 and his rebitzen 96. They were niftar in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital. reports a son of the niftar is a Bnei Brak city councilman, representing Vishnitz.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Sad as it is, I think it’s beautiful. Now neither of them will be alone, considering they were probably married for over 70 years. It must be the best way to die, they’ll just go to Gan Eden together.

    May their memories be a blessing for us all.

  2. BD”E.

    A quick Google search reveals that in the US in 2012, at least 5 elderly couples married between 61 and 72 years, died hours apart.

    “Vehayu lebasar echad”. Mamash.

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