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How Stable Will the Incoming 19th Knesset Be?

It’s one of those ‘only in Israel’ deals but with general elections about a month off, there are those seasoned chareidi and secular politicians who are looking a bit ahead, to the elections for the 20th Knesset. They feel that as the political map appears to be taking shape, the incoming government coalition is likely to collapse before completing its four-year term. Some of the key issues that will result in a political storm include the state budget and the share the burden issue along with the always present concerns surrounding the diplomatic process with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and the regular security threats faced by Israel on a daily basis. Sounds a bit extreme perhaps, but not for this region of the world, for accepted norms in the Middle East is a far cry from Northern American political etiquette.

The issue of pulling avreichim from yeshivos into the IDF and/or national service will undoubtedly be among the heated issues in the parliament, an issue that unites left and right-wing along with the dati leumi, all against the chareidi tzibur.

Speaking to high school seniors attending a Beersheva child welfare symposium, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin spoke of the heavy decisions that will face the incoming Knesset, issues that will demand a committed strong Knesset majority. Rivlin, who is among the more seasoned politicians, told the forum on Wednesday 13 Teves 5773 that “it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that we will find ourselves at the polls once again in 8-10 months,” realizing the harsh realities of the region and the weight of the issues facing lawmakers.

Rivlin stated that he envisions the share the burden issue at the heart of the dispute and likely to be among the factors that will lead to dissolving the next Knesset ahead of its term. Rivlin, who has strong chareidi roots, a descendent of Yerushalayim tzaddikim understands the issues at hand, and perhaps better than many of his Likud colleagues, he realizes on this issue the chareidi tzibur will not compromise – but would prefer to sit in jail if left without options.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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