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Education Ministry May Disqualify Pirchei HaDegel

There was anger in a meeting this week of principals of chassidish schools surrounding a move by the Administration for Society & Youth of the Ministry of Education to disqualify the Pirchei HaDegel youth organization, an organization affiliated with chassidish Beis Yaakov Schools.

The Pirchei organization includes 48 nationwide branches in 18 communities, including 9,000 girls in chassidish Beis Yaakovs. The organization over the years has been recognized by state agencies. Problems began in 5765, when a youth movement census ruled it was ideologically problematic and lacking in its “Zionist character”, questioning continued state funding. HaMevaser reports the same issues were not raised at the time regarding Arab youth organizations which were recognized by the state.

HaMevaser points out the Pirchei was recognized in 5754, backed by the attorney general at the time, Michael Ben-Yair, as well as ministers of education since then, all of the opinion that the youth organizations, Zionist, chareidi and Arab must all be recognized equally for failing to do so would represent discrimination and inequality. The Pirchei has been operating for the past 12 years in the chareidi sector and the funding shifted from the Ministry of Religious Services to the Ministry of Education. During the past two years, officials in the Ministry of Education have targeted the Pirchei, singling it out for issues that are not relevant under the criteria for youth organization funding, and has withheld funds that were given in years earlier.

HaMevaser reports the organization is legitimate and it sponsors a wealth of activities including day seminars for the benefit of thousands of chassidish girls and young ladies, but it is now being singled out under the claim it fails to meet the criteria for state funded youth organizations.

The budget received by Pirchei funds camps, getaways, shabbos programs and other activities essential to the community but it appears the ministry has targeted Pirchei towards halting the state funding. Such a move HaMevaser reports would deliver a significant blow to many girls, as well as their homes, for the parents lack the funds to privately fund such activities.

Pirchei leaders are consulting with legal experts, deciding if they should take the matter to the High Court of Justice against the ministry agency, referring to its subordinate Administration for Society & Youth agency. Chareidi politicians in recent months have turned to Education Minister Gideon Saar to bring the matter to his attention, pointing out the Pirchei has been supported by his predecessors, warning him that his failure to take corrective action may result in a High Court petition against the ministry.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. 1. It isn’t zionist.

    2. The zionists pay the fiddler, and if you haven’t noticed, they want to call the tune.

    3. Frum groups are finding the downside about become dependent on money from apikoresim.

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