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Bus Service in Betar Illit Gets a Good Grade

Anyone living in the chareidi world in Eretz Yisrael realizes the importance of reliable courteous public transportation for most of the chareidi tzibur does not own a private vehicle, relying on buses and trains to get from one place to another.

According to a report released by the Movement for Freedom of Information, Betar Illit offers its residents the best public bus service in Israel. Mayor Meir Rubinstein responded to the report, stating the Elite Bus Company provides first class service for the city’s residents, highlighting this has been a major emphasis by officials in City Hall which works closely with officials in the Ministry of Transportation.

The report is based on 30 parameters addressing four major components of service; bus stops, bus routes, infrastructure and reports from the bus operator. The Elite Company received a 9, reflecting fewer deficiencies in the areas of operating on schedule, strict adherence to a bus route, and driver courtesy. Only 4% of the buses failed to operate on schedule, and only 2% failed to pull into bus stops along the route.

Rubinstein explains that residents and askanim are well aware they always can find an attentive ear among Transportation Ministry officials, and this has significantly contributed to the high level of service maintained in the city. Elite general-manager Tzion Pat responded. “It’s no wonder that we have been selected as an exemplary model by the ministry and the city leaders for we have worked hard to provide high level service to city residents.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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