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Meretz: It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Oslo Process

Meretz Party leader MK Zahava Gal-On told reporters this week the party feels the time has come to rescind the Oslo Agreement and move to a new peace formula between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Gal-On opted to target the Labor Party, telling the media the latter does not include the word “peace” in its platform, labeling the platform “weak, hollow and cowardly.”

The Meretz platform on the other hand calls to cancel the Oslo Agreements and forge ahead with a new plan towards achieving peace with Israel’s Arab neighbors. Meretz feels Oslo, after 20 years, has lost its legitimacy in the public eye.

Meretz calls on both Israel and the United States to join in the decision of the United Nations General Assembly and recognize the PA as the State of Palestine towards advancing peace explaining such a move will strengthen PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and diminish the chance of a Hamas takeover of PA autonomous areas.

Gal-On warns the policies of the current administration will lead Israel to a third intifada. Meretz officials added they will be traveling to Ramallah on Thursday, 14 Teves 5773 for a meeting with senior PA officials.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. This is one really long run-on sentence:

    Meretz calls on both Israel and the United States to join in the decision of the United Nations General Assembly and recognize the PA as the State of Palestine towards advancing peace explaining such a move will strengthen PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and diminish the chance of a Hamas takeover of PA autonomous areas.

  2. Along with ridding ourselves of the Oslo treason, we should rid ourselves of Meretz and all those who participated in this treason.

  3. Let me getthis straight. He wants to abolish the Oslo accords because the PA broke them the Oslo Accords by going directly to the UN!!!! This is sheer stupidtity at its best. And he really thinks this will stop the Pals from trying to take all of Israel. He clearly fails to understand the problem.

  4. Can u imagine what Meretz is planning to substitute the Oslo Accords with? Many many parties, frum & secular, were signers and voters for the Oslo Jokeathon… How many have shown or expressed regret? (Too few to mention)

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