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A Picture That has Sparked Much Feedback

When a child is ‘off the derech’ it is not laughing matter, and R”L it occurs in the best of homes, but when the son of the prime minister of the State of Israel feels a need to post a photo of himself in clothing synonymous with Xmas, the impact reverberates around the world.

A friend of Yair Netanyahu, a son of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu uploaded a photo of Yair in a Santa hat posed alongside a Xmas tree with the caption “My Christian boy”.

Among the ‘likes’ earned for the photo was one from Yair himself. The photo was removed after Channel 2 News turned to Mr. Netanyahu for comment.

The Prime Minister’s Office released the following statement to the media: “Yair Netanyahu visited the community of Anatot, a Christian pro-Israel family that truly loves Israel and serves in the IDF. One does not have to take such Facebook pranks too seriously.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. What is this? Page 6? I don’t see how this is relevant to anyone in the Frum Community and its nothing more than Gossip. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  2. He has a very frum daughter. Does that get negative comment also? We all know no matter what we do, some parents R”L have children who never cease to fahrshem them. Yair Netanyahu is an idiot, & for his father to post on Facebook is an even more stupid thing. But let’s face it, what kind of example does this kid have anyway? I feel far worse for all the frum families whose children are OTD, despite their upbringing.

  3. Come on, this was teen-age shtick. Besides, Santa has long lost any real religious meaning.
    There are frum people who have dressed this way for Purim. (Besides all the needy Jews who have made money being Santas in malls around the US).

  4. So what? Just a joke.
    And how many times do we see Non-Yidden getting dressed like Chasidim and posing for the camera?
    The Asheirus and Avodas haBaal, sitting in the Heichal throughout the Bayis Rishon was much more upsetting.

  5. At my work we have a holiday portrait of all the employees (including myself) standing before the Xmas tree. I did not burn the picture, hide it, or complain. The picture Yair was involved in does not bother me as much as the comment posted on facebook.

    I can pose in front of the pyramids- it won’t make me Egyptian. In front of the Great Wall of China, that too won’t make me Chinese. It’s all about how we expose and express ourselves in a picture

  6. Yerushalayim Urcha B’Rachamim Toshuv.
    Nothing wrong with reminding Klal Yisroel. What “Nebech” the so called Jewish state really looks like.

  7. “but when the son of the prime minister of the State of Israel feels a need to post a photo of himself in clothing synonymous with Xmas, the impact reverberates around the world.”

    How do you know he’s not a regular frum kid and he’s just kidding around?

    What am I missing??????????

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