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NYC Speaker Quinn Urges President Obama to Commute Jonathan Pollard’s Sentence

Today, City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn released the following letter to President Obama regarding former United States Navy Intelligence Analyst Jonathan Pollard. In the letter, Speaker Quinn requests that the President commute the sentence of Mr. Pollard, releasing him from prison.

The Speaker’s letter is attached and can be read in full below.

December 26, 2012

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you to formally request that you commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard to time served, thereby releasing him from prison and allowing him to join his family in Israel.

Mr. Pollard has spent more than 26 years in prison for the serious crimes he committed, regarding which he has expressed great remorse. Mr. Pollard has served a longer time in prison than many others who were found guilty of similar activity on behalf of nations that, like Israel, are our allies.

I know I share similar views of many past and current American elected officials, as well as Israeli leaders. Commuting the sentence of Mr. Pollard would in no way imply doubt of his guilt, but would be viewed as a great act of compassion. The ends of justice have been abundantly served and now is the time for mercy.

Therefore, I respectfully urge you to use your constitutional power to treat Mr. Pollard the way others have been treated by our nation’s justice system, and commute his sentence.

Christine C. Quinn
New York City Council

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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