Join ‘The Shmuz’ at a Melava Malka this Motzei Shabbos in Monsey

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]    Neveh Zion is proud to present a Melava Malka featuring Rabbi Benzion Shafier of “The Shmuz”. The Melava Malka will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Michelle Rothman. In addition to the words of inspiration and delectable Chinese & Sushi cuisine, Rabbi Shafier will be giving out free copies of his new bestseller “Stop Surviving, Start Living”!!

The reception will also welcome the Neveh Zion’s Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Chaim Yisroel Blumenfeld shlit”a, fondly known as the “Mash.”

The reception will commence at 7:00 PM and the program will begin at 8:15 PM.

4 Barnacle Dr
New Hempstead, NY 10977

Neveh Zion has been serving the Jewish community for the past 35 years. Many of the Neveh Zion alumni are Rabbis, Mechanchim and leaders all throughout the world. Neveh Zion specializes in motivating and inspiring young men to the warmth and light of the Torah.

One Response

  1. How fortunate the Monsey community is, to host Rabbi Shafier shlita.

    A true Tdaddik and incredible Mashpia.

    DM from Richboro, PA

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