Father of Enterovirus Twins Lost a Hand in Operation Cast Lead

The family of the two infants R”L that died in a preemie ward of Petach Tikvah’s Schneider Children’s Hospital is not a stranger to difficult times as the father of the infants lost a hand during the IDF’s Operation Cast Lead.

On erev shabbos 8 Teves Shai and Oshrit Malka lost their twin infants to an enterovirus. The couple, residents of Shaare Tikvah, locked themselves in their home since receiving the tragic news, unwilling to speak to reporters.

Maariv reports that the dad, Shai, was called to service as a reservist during Operation Cast Lead four years ago. He was seriously injured in the counter terrorism offensive and as a result, lost a hand. He has since been running the Yad Achat (One Hand) organization, delivering food and assistance to the less fortunate.

Friends of the family explain the couple has emunah and they accept HKBH’s decision, but nevertheless question why the twins were not placed in the preemie ward immediately following birth. They feel the hospital was not sufficiently aggressive in their treatment.

The couple has three children at home, and close friends are pained, but confident that they will endure as they always do, resting firmly on their faith in HKBH.

The children were born in Beilinson Hospital and eventually transported to Schneider, where they were admitted to the preemie ward. Officials at Beilinson report that following birth there was no need to place them in a preemie ward since their weight was fine and they did not exhibit any signs of illness or distress. They were transferred to Schneider three days after birth “due to a change in their status”.

Beilinson officials add that the virus that claimed their lives has no treatment and doctors can only try to support vital bodily functions but there are no medications available against the virus.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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