Schumer Statement On Release Of Jacob Ostreicher

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer released the statement below, following news that a Bolivian judge released Jacob Ostreicher, a New Yorker, and granted him house arrest. Jacob has been unjustly imprisoned in Bolivia since June 4, 2011.

“This long overdue move is finally a step in the right direction for Jacob Ostreicher, who should have been granted bail many months ago. The way the Bolivian justice system has treated Jacob is appalling and violates every standard of basic due process. I again call on the Bolivian government, in the strongest terms, to ensure that Jacob’s due process rights under Bolivian law are upheld. The fact that those who pursued and prosecuted him have been arrested on corruption charges directly related to this case is shocking and shows he should be immediately and unconditionally released. Continuing to hold him without being charged is a flagrant human rights violation that flies in the face of any reasonable standard of criminal system due process.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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