Amsellem Says He is More Popular Than Chacham Ovadia

Perhaps signaling that he is a most optimistic individual, or at least one with a large ego, Rabbi Amsellem explains he is more popular among Israelis than Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. He explains that he commissioned a Rafi Smith poll, which clearly shows 76% of respondents have a positive attitude regarding Amsellem while only 49% are positive regarding the gadol hador.

By the way, the poll also shows 39% of respondents have a positive attitude regarding Shas leader Eli Yishai, Amsellem’s old political home.

While he enjoys popularity according to the poll, the major polls released by the media show he fails to earn enough seats to pass the minimum threshold to enter Knesset.

Shas officials responded harshly to the poll, releasing a statement “show me who your friends are and I know who you are”, reminding the media that last week, “Amsellem was in the filthiest areas of Tel Aviv and promised to fight for public transportation on shabbos as he made a chilul Hashem, and rightfully so, these are the people he looks to for support.”

“Maran, the light of Israel Rav Ovadia has already ruled that he is a kofer and rosha, and ordered him ousted from Shas and now, we all see just how right Maran was”, the statement concluded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The Israelis are conducting an official poll next week, so we’ll see. If Amsellem ends up with more seats than Shas, he’ll be proven right. The current polls, which are probably very unreliable, suggest the the day after the election he will be looking for a job (and not one connected with the government).

    What the poll might have shown is that non-Shas votes dislike R. Yosef, which is to be expected. That would be like polling Obama’s popularity among Republicans.

  2. Why does he continue to try and elevate himself above his own Rov, Chacham Ovadia? And more to the point, why are people not calling him out on this?

    Even if he is more popular among the chilonim, so what? That doesn’t make it any less assur. Mind you, it seems Amsellem is long since past caring.

  3. There is a large population of irreligious Israelis who like Amsalem’s “anti-fanatic rabbi” pose. What would his winning prove? He’s still just a shallow politician interested only in a job.

  4. akuperma,

    I like your even-headed analysis. I held my peace as to not say anything caustic about R’ Amsellem (though I wanted to). May Hashem give Rav Ovadia may more years in good health. May Hashem give R’ Amsellem clarity and honesty.

  5. We knew it all the time. You are ;more popular, you’re a bigger tzaddik, and a greater chacham. Amsellem, you have special place reserved in Gehinom for those going against the Torah and her gedolim.

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