White House: Gun Violence Is Complex Problem

The White House says curbing gun violence is a complex problem that will require a “comprehensive solution” including addressing gun control measures.

Still, spokesman Jay Carney says gun control is not the only solution to stopping shootings like the horrific attack at a Connecticut elementary school Friday. He says no single piece of legislation or single action will fully address the problem.

Obama has said he is going to use the “power” of his office to tackle gun violence. Carney says the president will engage the American people and lawmakers on this issue in the coming weeks, as well as meet with law enforcement officials and mental health professionals.

Carney did not offer any specific policy proposals or timeline for tackling gun violence.


One Response

  1. Why is everyone ignoring the 800-pound elephant? Actually, there are several 800-pound elephants: 1 – violence and moral corruption being promoted by the media for more than 50 years: movies, telelvision, videos, magazines, newspapers; 2 – Obama (Highest executive level of federal government) approving Moslem violent crime as in Fort Hood; 3
    – Again Obama (and AG Eric Holder): complicity in gun-running (‘Fast and Furious’); 4- Again Obama (and Secretary Clinton) complicity in the murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi – all with no discussion in the media, which thereby endorses murderous violence at the highest Federal level… Need we say more?

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