Committee Approves 1,500 Units for Ramat Shlomo

In a move that will certainty spark condemnations from the international community, a special committee on Monday afternoon, 4 Teves 5773, announced its approval for the construction of 1,500 housing units in Ramat Shlomo in Yerushalayim, also known as Reches Shuafat. The special committee acted as an extension of the district planning board in the capital and its approval clears the last hurdle to the construction of the apartments.

Israel clearly warned PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) that if he ignores warnings and its commitment as defined in agreements signed by Israel and applies to the UN General Assembly for non-member observer status, Israel will view his action as a deal breaker, which will result in construction and other steps in retaliation for the PA defiance of the Oslo process and all agreements that state PA statehood will be the result of mutual agreement following talks, not a unilateral PA move to the UN.

While announced plans by Israel to move ahead with this and other projects has angered the White House and EU nations, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his cabinet have not backed down and appear serious about moving ahead with the construction despite the widespread objections. While this has not been the case to date, some EU nations have signaled the actual beginning of construction in areas of the capital viewed as “occupied” by the international community may lead to sanctions against Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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