PHOTOS: Children Protest against the Internet in Yerushalayim


Children were used to carry signs against the internet and computer movies, walking with the large banners in frum areas of the capital. The signs say “Here one does not feel the Shechina” because of the presence of the internet or computer movies. Dozens of children took part in the effort.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Photo credit – קובי מור – סוכנות הידיעות חדשות 24

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The yetzer hora is very good at what he does. BeH these children should never be ensnared in his trap. Unfortunately we know that will never happen once they get older and more curious.

  2. We better not tell the hilonim that the internet and computer videos create a Shechina-free zone. They would consider that a “feature” rather than a “bug”.

  3. FYI – The author interpreted the sign totally backwards. The sign reads Kan Lo MIGARSHIM Es Hash’china, not MARGISHIM..

    The translation is that “Here we do not chase away the Shechina.”

    Otherwise, carry on with your amazing work.

  4. Cute mistake, nice catch #4.

    The title says “Children protest..”. The article begins with “Children were USED to … protest.” Some of those children do not look old enough to understand what they are doing. They probably had no choice, and are just being used as weapons to accomplish someone else’s agenda.

    I agree with the message, but not necessarily with the method.

    It is not quite on the order of children suicide bombers, but not 100% kosher either.

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