Bennett Sees His Party as a Bridge to the Chareidim and Chilonim

Bayit HaYehudi leader Naftali Bennett told Israel Radio on Monday, 4 Teves 5773 that he views his party as “a bridge between the chareidim and chilonim” and he feels the party can play a major role in the next government.

Speaking to Kol Chai Radio as well, he stated “I think that anyone who knows me realizes I am not an enemy of the chareidim. One will not find a greater ally but I also feel all cabinet ministers must feel a loyalty to all citizens, not just their specific sector.”

“The chareidim are my brothers and sisters, and I will be the first to defend when others try to force unwanted realities on that community. On the other side, I also have demands, and I feel the Chief Rabbinate of Israel must be concerned with all of Am Yisrael.”

When asked if he represents the less frum, the so-called ‘dati light’, Bennett was quick to respond “I’m not light. I support adhering to the torah and I also say this when interviewed on Channel 2 and even when speaking to the non-frum. I am in favor of preserving Am Yisrael, Toras Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.”

Bennett explained that for him, he is willing to enter into a coalition government with any party willing to accept his party’s hashkafa, and he hopes this will be the case regarding the chareidim. Bennett views the chareidim as “natural partners” and he rejects those who are anti-chareidi and anti-Jewish just as he does not accept one who is anti-Tel Avivian. “I don’t like the anti factor from within our own people.”

Bennett has called from removing the housing and interior ministries from Shas’ hands for he feels Shas is only concerned with its constituency and this is unacceptable. “The frum parties have even more responsibility to be MeKadesh Shem Shomayim” he explained, “towards bringing others back to the fold to keep torah and mitzvos.”

When asked how he will work with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, as it is known the two had falling out, he explained the prime minister called him to congratulate him on his victory in the party leadership election, concluding “B’ezras Hashem, we will work together just fine.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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