Will There be Achdus in Litvish Camp Ahead of Elections?

Sunday’s meeting in Bnei Brak between HaRosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach did not result in any major announcement as many hoped would be the case.

Kikar Shabbat quotes members of the Yerushalmi branch as clinging onto hope that achdus will follow and the split will be mended.

On the less optimistic side, Netzach spokesman R’ Yaakov Friedman states Rav Shteinman’s followers acted inappropriately towards them and it does not appear that achdus is a high priority. Friedman told Ynet he did not feel that the Bnei Brak camp is genuinely interested in mending fences.

“Instead of acting respectfully towards the rav,” referring to Rav Auerbach, “the other side simply acts as if the rav was coming to seek a bracha or advice just like any other person.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. As long as both parties cross the threshold, no harm done (especially if they remembered to sign a voting sharing agreement to deal with the “surplus” votes). Indeed, if the split gets more people to vote, they do better separately. The only danger is if one doesn’t cross the 2% threshold and has its votes wasted.

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