PA’s Fayid Calls for Economic Intifada Against Israel

PA (Palestinian Authority) Prime Minister Salim Fayed has an agenda, and he is openly expressing his opposition to the policies of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

Regarding growing calls for a “third intifada” against Israel, Fayed feels the time has come to learn and to realize the significance of public opinion. The PA prime minister feels that picking up rocks and hurling them or worse paints the PA and residents in an unwanted picture and people must learn to fight a different battle and what he believes if a more effective battle.

Fayed is calling for an economic boycott of Israel, to boycott any and all good manufactured in by Israeli companies, for he is confident that the impact of such a move will be significant and the support from the international community will be easier to enlist without violence of past intifadas.

Fayed is also concerned over Abu Mazen’s declining popularity as a recent PA poll shows support for Hamas is up to 40% as opposed to Abu Mazen’s 33%, speaking of areas under Fatah control. The poll did not include Hamas controlled Gaza.

The growing Hamas presence and support in PA areas is a main factor against additional land concessions to the PA for opponents of the such policies, for they explain in a number of months, those areas will be under Hamas control as is the case in Gaza.

Proponents feel that the only way to boost Abu Mazen’s support is by Israel’s agreeing to re-launch the diplomatic process with the PA, blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu for the breakdown in talks.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. Violence usually backfires. It just makes the other guy mad at you. Only if you can utterly destroy the other side (e.g. America’s approach to Japan in World War II) will violence work.

    2. Trying to destroy the Israeli economy is counterproductive for the Palestinians since their economy is thorougly integrated with the Israelis

    3. If the Palestinians turn to non-violence, it would probably cause the Israelis to serious negotiate with them, which might even lead to peace.

    4. Given the traditional approach of the Bnei Yishmael to violence, a non-violent approach is about as likely as a snowball’s chance in a certain place we shouldn’t discuss since it really isn’t part of our tradition and verges on avodah zarah.

  2. Time for these chayos to shut down all their computers, which are powered by Intel processors manufactured in Israel. They should also stop taking all medication, don’t use any medical equipment, and stop all agricultural activities, since much of the equipment and technology was manufactured in Israel.

    Oh, and as a response, perhaps the State of Israel should boycott chayos, by turning off their electricity and water.

  3. Preaching an economic intifada is just an excuse. He wants gather a front against the state of Israel, so that when his “economic boycott” fails, he can blame it on Israel, and start the real 3rd intifada with the backing of the international community (or at least without real dissent)

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