Agudath Israel Commends House Passage Of Anti-School Violence Legislation, Including Both Public And Private Schools

Agudath Israel of America is applauding House passage of the STOP School Violence Act of 2018. The legislation, which is a response to the recent school shootings in Parkland, FL, and authorizes grants to improve school security through technology and other safety measures. The House measure includes both public and private schools within its benefits.

Over the decades, school security has been a priority issue for Agudath Israel, which has consistently argued to Administration officials and congressional leaders, past and present, that safety initiatives must encompass all schools and all schoolchildren. In the aftermath of Parkland, and in the subsequent legislative effort, Agudath Israel renewed its call to the White House and Capitol Hill for equity between public and private schools in both new and existing programs. One of the changes Agudath Israel and other private school representatives have advocated for is incorporated in today’s House legislation.

“We are deeply gratified that the House has taken this step to better ensure the safety, through tangible means, of America’s schoolchildren,” noted Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel’s Vice President for Federal Affairs and Washington Director. “It also makes an important statement that all children – regardless of the school they attend – are precious, and deserve a learning environment that enjoys the utmost protection of both mind and body.”

Agudath Israel is urging swift Senate passage.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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