US Releases Pollard ‘Damage Assessment’ Report; Didn’t Seek Info On U.S.

The United States has declassified the “damage assessment” report pertaining to Jonathan Pollard, a 160-page document addressing the arrest of the American intelligence analyst, Yediot Achronot reported on Sunday, 3 Teves 5773. While some documents were released in the past, they were few in number and the major file remained tucked away in the National Security Archive while Pollard rots in a US federal prison.

The report primarily pertains to Pollard’s interrogation, citing he was cooperative and passed polygraph exams.

Contrary to the propaganda that has surrounded the Pollard case, it is now learned that he was asked by Israel to provide information on Russia and Arab states, not the United States. Pollard was working to gather information on Syria’s chemical weapons program, Pakistan’s nuclear program and Egypt’s missile program, and he was not spying for Israel against the United States as the US had the world believe for over 26 years since Pollard was sentenced to prison.

His analytical skills earned Pollard a promotion despite recommendations from a naval psychologist to the contrary, labeling him a “pathological liar”, recommending that his security clearance be lowered. Pollard was also diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, frequently involved in fights, was in debt, and a substance abuser.

Yediot adds that Pollard revealed that Rafi Eitan, who at the time was the Defense Ministry’s head of the Scientific Research Bureau, instructed Pollard to gather dirt on Israeli officials and moles. His handler, Yosef Yagur told him [Pollard] to ignore Eitan’s directive. Yediot does not reveal what Pollard decided.

Pollard traveled to Paris to deliver documents to Israeli officials, creating the cover of an Uncle Joe Fischer, explaining the latter paid for his trip as a gift for his engagement. Yediot adds that Pollard and Eitan met and following that meeting, Pollard was promised $30,000 annually for his services, to be deposited in the Swiss account of a Danny Cohen. That money was to be used to permit him to move to Israel in ten years, at which time he would end his spy career, leaving him with a nest egg to establish his new life in Israel together with his family.

Dr. Lawrence Korb, the US deputy secretary of defense at the time of Pollard’s arrest was pleased with the declassification and release of the document, citing again that Pollard’s sentence was “disproportionate”.

The Free Pollard organization responded “This is the first time that an official CIA paper confirms that Pollard did not spy on the US and we believe that the disclosure of the documents will help in his release.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Because people are so focused on freeing Mr. Pollard, they don’t see the real reason he was put in jail. We all know that everything that happens, happens because G-d wants it to, in this case, (I think) to teach us that anti-semitism can exist and thrive, even in a place like america, which was founded upon freedom. As comfortable as everyone is in the USA, they should keep in mind it will not last, the same way it didn’t last in every other country Jews have ever lived in.

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