Minister Boasts Israel’s Math Achievements

The statistics released by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) for 2011 have left Minister of Education Gideon Saar smiling and boasting. Israel’s ratings signal an increase in scholastic achievement among Israeli eighth graders in math and science with the average Israeli scoring 516 in math, well above the average score of 467. The same holds true for science, with Israelis scoring 516 as compared to the average being 477. The scores listed represent Israeli Jewish students. The Arab students scored 465 and 481 in math and science respectively.

The rating exam was taken by close to a quarter of a million students in 42 countries, including 4,699 Israelis from 151 schools around the country. The top rating countries were Korea and Singapore, scoring 613 and 611 respectively.

Saar was pleased with the steady improvement, citing in 2006, Israel ranked 31, and the students pulled up the ranking to the 18th spot in the PIRLS. In 2007 Israel ranked 24 in the TIMSS and moved into the 7th position in the international community.

Saar emphasized there was an improvement in both the Jewish and Arab sectors, concluding “Hebrew speakers are ranked among the 10 leading countries; 10th in science, seventh in math and second in reading, alongside Finland and Russia.”

The test scores for the Jewish sector do not include chareidi schools.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The test scores for the Jewish sector do not include chareidi schools because if they did, they would show how much better they’re doing than the secular schools.

  2. #1 – I hate to tell you this, but the chareidi yeshivos are ranked on the same level as most 3rd world countries. Regardless of how developed their minds are because of their limudei kodesh, in math and science they are nowhere near the level of the secular schools (due to lack of emphasis on anything except limudei kodesh). If you don’t believe me then check for yourself.

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