Israel Seeking to Buy Bombs from the USA

The Pentagon has notified the US Congress of a potential $647 million sale involving a broad array of bombs to Israel, ranging in size from 250 – 2,000 pounds. Following the US elections, it appears Jerusalem is moving ahead with the munitions request towards restocking following Operation Pillar of Defense and possibly in anticipation of another round of warfare, or a military assault against Iran’s nuclear program.

“The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to US national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability,” said a statement from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the arm of the Pentagon that oversees foreign weapon and equipment sales. “This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives.

“The proposed sale of munitions will enable Israel to maintain operational capability of its existing systems,” the statement said. “Israel, which already has these munitions in its inventory, will have no difficulty absorbing these additional munitions into its armed forces.”

Israel’s shopping list includes 6,900 bombs and GPS guided tail kits (Joint Direct Attack Munitions – JDAM), manufactured by Boeing along with 3,450 Small Diamter Bombs.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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