Rav Wosner Chanukah Message – Kedusha Must Prevail Over the Tuma

The daily HaMevaser speaks of the Chanukah message, quoting a p’sak halacha of the Shevet Halevy, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita, who prohibits one from having internet connectivity in one’s home.

“יש לפעול בהתאם לדעת תורה של מרן פוסק הדור בעל ‘שבט הלוי’ שליט”א לפיו לא ימצא אינטרנט בבתי החרדים לדבר ה'”

The newspaper emphasizes the importance of the matter, citing that the theme of Chanukah is the battle of קדושה against טומאה and this is directly related to the threats of bringing internet into one’s home.

The article warns of the dangers that lurk when one has internet access in one’s home and that many well-intending people have fallen prey to the immorality and unacceptable content that is available via the link to the cyber world.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I have two questions:
    1. At what point will this domain be up for sale then?
    2. Since most phone service today is VoIP, does that mean that many of my Yeshivaish/Haradi friends will be getting rid of their phones as well?
    3. Rabbi Wosner (Shlita) has also said that boys who have internet at home should not be let back into yeshiva. Will my son be coming home soon?

    And no, I’m not joking with any of these questions.

    Moderators Response: You started off by saying you have two questions….and then asked three.

    And no, were not joking with this either.

  2. The Rav is not using the word “internet” correctly, which is common among many people. He is objecting to specific applications, and I suggest his words should be understood that way. Using the internet has it is correctly defined, which reflects no one’s speech, it would include virtually all banking, communications including phones, etc, which was clearly not his intention.

    You should look to what he means.

  3. Akuperma, Harav Wosner shlita understands words and said the internet should not be in our homes. Period. And yes, I post from my employer’s protected computer with his permission.

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