iPhone 5 Makes Aliyah

The new iPhone 5 has made aliyah and is available to clients in Israel. The phone advertised is the 16gb model.

Following is a list of the prices in the different cellular service providers in Israel.


3,990 NIS, up to 6 monthly payments.


3,985 NIS, up to 12 monthly payments.


4,180 NIS, up to 3 monthly payments.


3,950, up to six monthly payments.


3,989, up to 36 monthly payments (added to monthly bill).

The official Bank of Israel closing dollar exchange rate on Friday, 23 Kislev 5773 was $1/ 3.8350 NIS.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. who is responsible for bringing this tumah to eretz yisroel? who is theone causing more & mre yidn to go down & be distracted from their avodas hakodesh in this world?

    every day we are sinking lower & lower as we push Hashem aside & make other things our main priorities in life.

    save yourself now-before its too late-& remove yourself from anything destructive to you & Hashem

  2. Almost every Gadol of every conceivable stripe in E”Y (Chassidish, Litvish, Sefardi) has said that it is forbidden to have an Iphone. Yet YWN sees no problem telling everyone where to get one and how much it costs.

    One more nail in YESHIVA part of this site. Maybe it’s time to change the name?

  3. What I want to know is, where do poor Israelis all of a sudden have a $1000 + to spend on a stupid phone?! Or is that what they come to America to collect for? I know I can’t afford one of these and I don’t even want the nesoyon!

  4. To #1:

    I believe the Gedolim only forbade the iPhone, the iPhone 2 and iPhone 3… I think versions 4 and 5 are ok. When you get a chance to ask them please let us know.

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