Achdus Seems Far as Ever Between Degel and Netzach

While all parties submitted their lists for the general election by the cutoff date, Thursday afternoon 22 Kislev 5773, Netzach officials have yet to announce the lineup or launch the party’s election campaign. Kikar Shabbat explains that after speaking with senior Netzach officials; it has learned this is due to the fact that the Yerushalmi faction leaders have decided to wait an additional 24 hours, hoping Degel will make a move, a signal, something that shows an interest in achdus before the split is irreparable.

The report states that Netzach’s demands are modest, seeking to add the three leading party rabbonim to Degel’s Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael headed by HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita. The second demand is to find a suitable position for R’ Menachem Carmel and thirdly; official recognition of the HaPeles newspaper, including Degel election ads in the newspaper.

After the lists were submitted last week, it is too late for any changes so Degel concessions will have to come in the form of the list above, as no changes in the list can be made before the elections.

Netzach officials are quoted as saying they have made peace with the realization that the third Degel slot, the one that wanted for Carmel, has been given to outgoing Bnei Brak Mayor Yaakov Asher.

Degel officials appear unwilling to make a move in this direction however, releasing a statement “There will be no negotiating with the kofrim that challenge the authority of gedolei yisrael. All the rumors and political spins are ridiculous since the Yerushalmi faction demands surround its seeking a way down from their high ladder.

“We have been hearing these threats for months. We are not impressed by them. The only negotiations that will occur are between themselves, and no one else.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “There will be no negotiating with the kofrim that challenge the authority of gedolei yisrael.”

    Ooh! The big “k” word! Kind of knew that was coming. It has unfortunately kind of become the new norm in what should be respectful arguments about legitimate differences of opinion.

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