Eida Chareidis: Don’t Report to Induction Centers

Last week, YWN-ISRAEL reported that HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita reiterated his p’sak, instructing talmidim and avreichim not to report to IDF induction centers if ordered to do so. The gadol maintains a different approach than Degel HaTorah gedolim in Bnei Brak, who continue to instruct talmidim and avreichim to report as instructed, but not to sign any forms.

According to Rav Auerbach, one of the issues is the lack of tznius in induction centers and it is not just about signing or not signing forms. The rav does not wish to see talmidim exposed to the environments in induction centers. It appears the rabbonim of the Eida Chareidis are in agreement, and they too have joined in, instructing their tzibur to refrain from reporting to induction centers if and when one is instructed to do so.

The Eida notices are signed by Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita and Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita. The Eida makes reference to reporting to civil or national service offices too, telling avreichim to refrain from reporting to any official state office that seeks to induct them into a military or civilian framework, citing the need for “mesirus nefesh” if compelled to do so.

Kikar Shabbat quotes the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, Rav Zalman Leib Teitlebaum Shlita as echoing the words of the rabbonim of the Eida in his address before chassidim in New York City.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Can anyone answer a simple question: how does one think it’s possible to live in the medinah, benefit from living there including its military protection, mortgages, etc. etc., (EVEN IF not taking money for yeshivas) and expect the medinah not to demand something from you in return??

    What kind of Yiddishkeit is this? How can you expect to live there virtually like parasites and expect the Zionists to bow and say “Oh, you are the kanoyim and haredim. You are holier than everyone else, so we won’t bother you…..”

  2. I don’t understand this. What is the point of showing up if you aren’t going to actually join the army?

    And what is the difference if you sign anything? Will they come after you for breach of contract?

    דברים בגו

  3. Eida Chareidis is anti-zionist, meaning they don’t accept, and therefore don’t depend on Israeli government subsidies, and would have no problems with doing something that might seriously undermine Israel’s international positions (such as requesting the assistance of international human rights groups, encouraging yeshivos to request political asylum elsewhere, civil disobedience, etc.). Much of the support Israel receives internationally is based on the belief that Israel is a haven for Jews being persecuted eleswhere. If people who are fanatically Jewish are fleeing Israeli persecution, it will seriously undermine Israeli supporters in other countries.

    The Israelis would be well advised to treat anyone who refuses to serve as a conscientious objector and exempt them from service, and to instead rely on financial incentives to encourage voluntary enlistment.

  4. Duh! Did anyone think that the Eida which doesn’t vote or take money from the “medinah” would hold otherwise? Maybe your next headline should read that the Mizrachi Rabbonim hold that their Yeshiva students should show up at the induction centers.

  5. With great respect to nos. 1 & 2, it is disrespectful to question the views of gedolim that hold views different to our own or different from other gedolim. Emunas chachomim means respect for ALL the gedolim and their views, without putting our 2 cents worth into the fray between “the lions”, G-d forbid. I have heard that there are plenty of other web sites that cater to such “other viewpoints”, rachmanah litzlan. A site with Yeshivah in its title should not publish comments of this sort.

  6. How can Choshve people talk like you about the Gedoiley Yisroel who have only the best interests of Klal Yisroel in mind. If the IDF would work harder to accomidate the Chareidim and not just spew about how unfair it all is then maybe the Gedoiley Yisroel who said not to go would remove thier Gezairo and there would be Sholom, not everything is the Chareidims fault you know

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