PA Preparing for the Next Round of Terrorism

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is under a hail of fire from outside and within as the international community condemns planned renewed construction in the E1 area. Harmonizing with the international condemnations is former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert who condemns the current administration and warns of the “unprecedented isolation” of Israel in the international community. Olmert, who has decided not to reenter the political arena for the upcoming general elections, fails to mention that as prime minister, he too attempted to move ahead with the E1 plan.

The international community is shouting at Jerusalem to jump start the diplomatic process with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who is described as “the moderate”, unlike radical Gaza. It is this very same moderate who is already shifting gear as Ramallah prepares for the third intifada, which translate to indiscriminate attacks and acts of violence and terror against innocent Israelis on both sides of the Green Line. So it appears that the “moderate” Abu Mazen resorts to what extremist Islam does best – and when unsuccessful in achieving one’s goals by peaceful diplomatic means, there is always the option of terrorism, which has been quite productive for the PA since the signing of the Oslo Agreement in September 1993.

The Shin Bet’s November Terror Watch report showed a most significant increase in attacks against Israelis during Operation Pillar of Defense, signaling old habits don’t die easily and despite his suit and tie, Abu Mazen, the Holocaust denier remains who he is, now armed with UN General Assembly recognition to strengthen his cause.

Military intelligence officials are already warning the Third Intifada is on the horizon. For those whose memories fail them, the Second Intifada was synonymous with suicide bombing attacks on Israeli buses. In fact, the entire Oslo process is synonymous with the death and maiming of thousands of innocent Israelis, as well as land concessions by Israel. One of the Oslo architects, Dr. Yossi Beilin, last week told the media during a panel discussion with Bayit HaYehudi leader Naftali Bennett that this is not so. Actually, Beilin became unraveled when Bennett dared “Oslo led to the deaths of over 1,500 Israelis”, but Beilin countered it is not because of Oslo, but because talks have broken down and we have not given and done enough.”

What remains clear is that Abu Mazen will play the diplomat and of late, with a measure of success, but when all else fails, the he will resort to what has worked in the past, terror.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Prior to 1948 the World considered Lechi and Etzel, Terrorist organizations, after 1948 their leaders such as Menachem Begin and others changed their garb into Diplomatic garb, nothing new

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