Hamas Leader Details Organization’s Policy Towards Israel

Using the terror organization’s silver anniversary for the gala event, Hamas politburo leader Khalid Meshal visited Gaza over the weekend, leading the major 25th anniversary celebration event in Gaza’s al-Katiba Square. Needless to say, many thousands were on hand to cheer and applaud the terror leaders. It is important to point out that noticeably present at the event were senior officials aligned with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ (Abu Mazen) moderate Fatah faction as well as Meshal’s deputy, Dr. Moussa Abu Marzouk and other terrorist notables.

With the ceasefire firmly in place between Israel and Hamas, senior Hamas officials did not fear a targeted strike by Israel, braving to attend the event to celebrate what they viewed as Gaza’s victory over Israel in Operation Pillar of Defense. Izzadin al-Kassam officials, the military wing of the terror organization, stated that remain committed to Gaza’s safety, vowing to continue to combat “Israeli aggression”.

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh was lauded for his standing proud against the Zionist aggressor, as the Hamas leader commended the terrorist officials and their solidarity with him during the recent Israeli military operation.

Meshal spoke of the united struggle of Gazans and residents of PA areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron, citing their commitment “to the path of resistance and to become shahids”, holy martyrs for the cause. Meshal promised that in the not too-distant future, the remaining terrorists imprisoned in Israel would be released.

It is most important that the world listen and comprehend Meshal’s words, for they are indeed spoken from the heart and clearly define Hamas’ raison d’être, Hamas’ commitment to remove the State of Israel from the map. “Palestine is ours from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on an inch of land,” he emphasized as he promised Hamas will “never recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation,” referring to the State of Israel.

Meshal was full of words of praise for the fighters, those who target civilians in Israeli cities, explaining “We don’t kill Jews because they are Jews. We kill the Zionists because they are conquerors and we will continue to kill anyone who takes our land and our holy places. (Hence, for Hamas, a “Zionist” is anyone living in Eretz Yisrael). The conqueror is not just the enemy of the Palestinians but the enemy of the Arab world. The Zionist plan threatens us all. We will free Jerusalem inch by inch, stone by stone…the right of return is sacred to us and we will not forfeit it.”

Meshal continued by emphasizing his commitment to Jerusalem and al-Aqsa (Har HaBayis) as well as Christian and other Islamic holy sites, and we will not “relinquish our claim to any of them”, speaking of how the lands have been occupied by Israel since 1948.

In short, the Hamas leader explained his organization will never recognize Israel, and will not rest until Israel is off the map and his land redeemed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Our peace partners are not even piece partners anymore they want it all. Anyway I personally knew that all along only fools like Shimon Peres, his deceased partner Rabin, Bill Clinton and some others believed it possible. So now 30 years since the Lebanon war Israel has been giving, giving, giving with nothing in return except an emboldend Palestinian people who now have a say in the UN. As evil & wrong as Hamas is I give them credit for standing strong while Israel goes weak. If Israel would have been this way in ’48, ’56, ’67 & ’73 we americans wouldn’t be spending $25k for our post graduate girls to spend a year in Palestine.

  2. I believe that everyone, regardless of political position, will agree with the following:

    Hamas is the only country in the world founded on belligerent principles of terror and elimination of another people (=Jews living in E. Israel). It is the largest collection of terrorists in the world (over 1 million strong) and it is sitting at E. Israel’s doorstep. Such a situation is not found anywhere else in the world! (Even Hezbollah is not an official representation of Lebanon policy).

    It is clearly a wake-up signal from the Almighty aimed at all Jews in E. Israel – do Teshuva (repent and amend your ways). This seems clear as day to me!

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