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The PA Turns to the UN with the ‘War Crimes’ Card

There are certain words that when used, resonate a certain vibe, albeit a bad one, as is the case with “war crimes”, used as often as possible by the PA (Palestinian Authority) when it refers to Israel, its ‘peace partner’.

The PA, which still carries out capital punishment for residents who sell land to Jews, which still indoctrinates its school children with a hate for Israel and the holiness of martyrdom wishes to bring another “war crimes” case to the United Nations, its staunchest ally in the international arena.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) on Tuesday, 20 Kislev 5773 filed an urgent complaint with the United Nations, equating Israel’s planned construction in areas including E1 with “war crimes”. The PA leader accuses Israel of trampling international law and PA legal experts are already looking into taking the PA’s case to the International Court of Justice in The Hague now that the PA is viewed by the UN as an observer nation. Before being recognized as a nation, the PA could not approach the international court but hopes its new status will permit the move.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 1. If Israel ignores the World Court, it will get great sympathy from the USA which also ignores them. What the rest of the world wants is largely irrelevant.

    2. They can file complaints over every act of terrorism – which at least will embarass the court if not the Arabs.

  2. BiYimos HaMashiach Chutzpah yasgei. It’s amazing just how applicable these words, of our holy Chazal, seem to be today.

    It is breathtaking that these Arab rotzchim thugs can dare open their mouths against the Zionists for “war crimes”, when those same Zionists could have flattened them all like ants but instead spent millions of dollars to minimize Arab “collateral damage”; and that this world (farcical) court treats this case as if some respectable country is taking a rouge to court when it’s really the other way around.

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