Photo Essay: The Veretzky Rebbe Smoking A Cigar On Purim 5778 (Photos by JDN)

8 Responses

  1. Sorry, but this is disgusting. Such a shame that people think that Purim is a carte blanche to do things that are otherwise assur. Yes, I just stated that the behavior displayed in these photos is assur lehalacha. If any naysayers want to launch the debate, go right ahead. I have fielded this sort of garbage on YWN numerous times, with direct quotes and citations from the greatest of gedolei haposkim that all forms of smoking are an issur d’Oraysah. I do not think this photo post is the location for this. But I am willing to once again undertake the debate. Yes, I had zaides that smoked. In those years, we did not have the reams of information that exist today, and poskim never stated an issur. But these photos are not historical, they are current. This display is purely disgusting.

  2. Wow, I feel the holy spirit. What an amazing article, showing us how not to behave, showing us moral failure and leadership zilch.

    Is this mikadesh shem shamayim simply because he’s doing it?

  3. The little I know- wow! You sound like you are open to have an honest debate! You sound like someone who is very reasonable and would change his tune if presented facts in a coherent fashion, and don’t at all sound like someone who has made up his mind already and would never change it!
    Actually you sound like the type of person that is so unenjoyable to engage in conversation with, that even though you put out a semi veiled attack on a gadol and a kadosh, no one has responded. And people are just finding other things to with their time rather than argue with a brick wall. Well I don’t enjoy arguing with inanimate objects either. Good day to you.

  4. is that supposed to be like the Baal Shem Tov’s KETORESS?
    Hey Rebbi- Knock it off!!!
    You don’t possesses the Baal Shem Tov’s power of meditation

  5. TLIK,
    ” from the greatest of gedolei haposkim that all forms of smoking are an issur d’Oraysah.”

    Sorry, there is NO ONE that holds that smoking temporarily is a Issur. No need to say that there are certainly many who hold that it is Muttar. Asides that I don’t think you inhale that cigar…
    Why don’t you rebuke all that overeat or eat unhealthy… after all the Rambam clearly lists and bemoans the harm of ‘overeating.

    You are welcome to start a thread, or link your posts..

  6. “even though you put out a semi veiled attack on a gadol and a kadosh”

    And how do you define that in a sense that none is to question his acts?

  7. ” a gadol and a kadosh”
    Is every grandson & great-grandson of a “gadol and a kadosh” who wears a shtrymil also a gadol and a kadosh”?
    That cannot be true, because- Well how about me?

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