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Israel: Avreich Loses 60,000 NIS on the Way to the Bank

A Yerushalmi avreich in his 30s lost 60,000 NIS near a branch of Bank Discount on Kanfei Nesharim Street in Givat Shaul. The avreich borrowed the money to assist family members who have fallen on extremely hard times.

“C” told Kikar Shabbat that he was on his way from the bank when the envelope with the cash appears to have fallen from his pocket. “The sum, 60,000 NIS is truly a financial catastrophe for me. This is money that I raised one shekel at a time by taking gemachim for relatives who simply are penniless.”

“I know this is Min HaShomayim and I accept it with love, with the hope that if someone finds the envelope they will have rachmanus and return the money” he is quoted as adding. He added there are definitive ‘simanim’ that will permit him to describe his envelope to anyone who believes they may have found it.

Anyone with information is asked to phone 057-311-0667.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I have billions of dollars. For fun, I like to stroll with tens of thousands of dollars hanging out of my pocket.

    Good times.

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