Degel Rabbonim: Report to IDF Induction Centers

The Moetzas Gedolei HaTorah convened on Monday evening the eve of 20 Kislev 5773 to discuss the party’s election lineup. In addition, the rabbonim discussed how talmidim should be instructed to act if and when they receive notices to report to an IDF induction center.

The rabbonim remain of the opinion that talmidim should respond as instructed, in a timely fashion, but not to sign any forms whatsoever. MK R’ Moshe Gafne addressed the rabbonim, explaining issues facing the chareidi representatives in Knesset regarding IDF draft and other issues of relevance to the frum community.

HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita of the HaPeles faction does not concur, instructing talmidim to ignore the notices and not to report to induction centers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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