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R’ Elimelech Fuehrer to Decide Treatment of Abducted Boy

Following the story last week in which a mother, who is an American citizen, abducted her child from Schneider Children’s Hospital because she objects to the treatment planned for him, it has been decided that R’ Elimelech Fuehrer, chairman and founder of “Ezra LeMarpeh”, will decide on the appropriate treatment for the child.

As report, the 6-year-old boy underwent surgery to remove a growth from his head, followed by the mom abducting him the night before doctors planned to begin chemotherapy. The matter ultimately led to the involvement of US diplomatic officials and Israel Police.

The matter has since been brought before a court of law and the court ruled that Rav Fuehrer would decide on the child’s course of therapy and his decision would be accepted by the mother and hospital alike. The rav will also determine if the child may fly abroad as mom wishes.

Rav Fuehrer is expected to announce his decision in the coming days.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Why is there no uproar akin to the uproar that shook the world in regard to the poor mother who was falsely accused of starving her child??

    Oh, I forgot, this mother is not from primitive Meah Sheurim , this mother is from the enlightened America…..

    now to all who will pounce on my words that she was falsely accused, I have a question:

    How in the world is it possible that if she is guilty of such an horrific accusation that she still has custody of ALL her children including this small boy??

    Answer is, that even the government realized that it was trumped up charges…

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