The Continuing Controversy Surrounding Nesher Project

The office of attorney Israel Gur has sent a warning letter to executives of the Nesher Cement Company as well as Asra Kadisha, pointing out the recent protests against the ongoing construction at the company’s Ramle plant, Nesher’s largest in Israel, are in compliance with instructions from rabbonim in protest against the chilul kevarim at that location.

In the ongoing conflict between Asra Kadisha and the Vaad, the former has announced the work at Nesher is permissible, leading to a p’sak Halacha from Eida Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita, who stated that the work is prohibited and no one has permission to compromise the remains interred at that location.

Vaad protesters stood at nearby Highway 1 with signs, shouting protests as the kevarim were exhumed. The signs were viewed as offensive by Nesher executives. Some protestors claim to have been assaulted and some of the signs were confiscated. Gur is now demanding that Nesher return the signs and compensate the Vaad to the tune of 20,000 NIS.

Nesher officials responded to the letter denying there was any violence on the part of cement company officials, admitting the signs were confiscated, but without the use of violence. Taking the standard approach of countering with legal action, Nesher is demanding the protestors return to the same location, but this time, holding the same size signs with an apology to the company for the unfounded derogatory accusations. In the event this is not done, Nesher threatens to move ahead with a libel lawsuit for 100,000 NIS, realizing it is backed by the ruling of Asra Kadisha that there is no chilul kevarim at the site.

Gur however feels this may be a positive step, for he explains if Nesher moves forward with a lawsuit the company will be compelled to reveal documents which will show how many kevarim were disturbed in the process, calling Nesher officials’ claims “ridiculous”.

In the interim, the Vaad plans to continue protests at that location.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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