It Starts on Purim!

Rav Chaim Kanievsky writes (Shoneh Halachos 695:12) that before we start the Purim Seudah, we should learn the halachos of both Purim, and believe it or not – Pesach!

Rav Menachem Mendel Hager zt”l of Vishva brings an allusion to this from Parshas Nitzavim – The verse states, m’chotev aitzecha ad sho’ev maimecha – that the laws of drawing water (mayim shelanu for Matzah baking) must be studied from Purim – where the tree was prepared.


Rav Menachem Mendel Hager zt”l was a leading Rabbinic figure in Agudas Yisroel.  He was the Rosh Yeshiva of one of the largest Yeshivos in Europe. He would farher (test) bochurim in learning. They came from far and wide.  The Yeshiva had an international reputation.  It was known throughout Europe as having a very high academic standard.

If the young man was not so good in Talmudic studies, he would say, “tzitzis bawser” it meant come back next year.

There were, of course, people that he did not turn away.  Once a yasom with no support came for a farher and Rav Mendel realized that he barely knew the aleph beis.  He accepted him and tutored him himself.

A boy that would not pass the entrance farher would cry and return to his parents.  The parents would be  disappointed.  People came to study under Rav Mendel Hager from all over Romania and beyond.  He came to America in 1936, to raise money.  There were now 500 mouths he had to feed.

The Rebbe and his wife left to the United States before Purim and there was a seudas preidah held in the Yeshiva before they left.

The famous niggun for the song, “tzavei, tzavei, tzavei yeshuas Yaakov – Command, Command [O’ Hashem] the salvation of [the House of] Jacob” was composed for that occasion, by the local shochait who was also an incredible baal menagain – Rav Beirish Horowitz.

Aside from the Yeshiva in Oiber Vishva having the largest dormitory in Europe, there was a large dining room in the building with tables for the young bochurim to eat.

When Reb Mendel was in the United States, his father, the Vishnitzer Rebbe had passed away.  The menagain who had composed the original niggun now composed another to mournfully greet the new Rebbe.

the author can be reached at [email protected]

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