Olmert: ‘Abbas is the Real Partner for Peace’

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert received the media spotlight after he made his comments at the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C., but after hearing the comments of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), one can only wonder how an Israeli leader can hail the Ramallah based Holocaust denier.

Upon his return to Ramallah on Sunday 18 Kislev 5773 from his successful Palestinian statehood bid in the United Nations, Abu Mazen addressed thousands who waved posters of him and PLO flags, lauding the accomplishment, which in the eyes of the international community, was the declaration of the State of Palestine. Abu Mazen spoke of the new reality, the facts on ground created by the overwhelmingly supportive UN General Assembly vote, stating loud and clear that despite Israel’s unwillingness to recognize the fact, Palestine has been created, “and its capital is Jerusalem”, vowing to reclaim the holy city from Israeli “occupation”. The thousands cheered “1 million shahids (holy martyrs) to free Jerusalem.”

Apparently for Olmert and others in the left-wing camp, those void of emunah in HKBH and the realization of the kedusha of Yerushalayim and Eretz Yisrael, giving away the holiest city in the world is no different than bartering any piece of real estate. Olmert admitted that he was willing to turn over control of Har HaBayis and other “holy sites” to an international body, but the greedy Abu Mazen would not hear of it, incapable of satiating his appetite for more.

Unfortunately, the statements by a former prime minister are damaging, and they lead to increased international pressure against Israel.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is no better, at times, seeking to portray himself as right-wing, but he too is void of any understanding of the kedusha involved, the magnitude of what is taking place, and he too is an announced supporter of the so-called “two-state solution”, the salami plan to slice up Eretz HaKodesh and hand over portions to Israel’s enemies.

It appears that for current and former leaders the failures of the 2005 Disengagement Plan, handing over Gaza to the PA (Palestinian Authority), has taught Israel nothing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. What’s the Chiddush here? Of course, without Torah R”L, they are completely lost, regardless of whether its coming from the right or the left! Their Hashkafa/thought process is based on Kefira R”L! Its only natural, then, that they are prone to make outlandish statements.

  2. why always bash netanyhu?no he’s not a yungerman nor an erlicher baal habos. but what do you really expect.
    he may not be frum but he’s about the only one who speaks about am yisrael and not about the ‘new israeli’.
    there is always lots to criticise but would you really want any of the others to be prime minister? just think back to the days when olmert, barak, rabin were in charge. horrendous chilul Hashem on a daily basis. and you don’t have to have such a good memory to realise livni nearly got in. what a castrophe that would have been.
    netanyhu is the only yid among them.

  3. Why does anyone believe that the Har H’Bayis, Yerushalyim and other M’komas K’doshim will have less Kedusha under Palestinian/Arab rule, for nearly Two Thousand years Eretz Yosroel was ruled by Arabs, Turks and others, it did not diminish the K’dusha of Eretz Yisroel, to the contrary since Eretz Yisroel is ruled by the State of Israel the K’dusha of of Eretz Yisroel, Yerushalyim, Har H’bayis and all other M’komas Kdushim has been greatly diminished, the Real K’Dusha will only return when HKBH will send Moshiach, Umain

  4. #4, do you mean how they dumped their garbage on the Kotel Plaza?? or maybe how they dump their garbage on Har Hazaisim..

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