Israel: Woman Fails to Notify Mom Of Whereabouts, Results in Massive Chilul Shabbos

Twenty-year-old Na’ama I. from Netanya went shopping with her mom in Tel Aviv on Friday morning for a wedding dress. Later in the day, mom went home and Na’ama headed to visit her chosson, who lives in Mazkeret Batya. She apparently made a wrong turn and found herself in Ashdod as shabbos was beginning.

A chareidi family took Na’ama in for shabbos. When Na’ama’s mom heard she did not arrive at the home of her chosson, police were summoned, leading to a major search in two cities involving a helicopter and hundreds of volunteers.

Immediately after shabbos Na’ama phoned home to tell her mother she is fine. Police made no effort to hide their anger over the situation, explaining a simple telephone call could have avoided the chilul shabbos, worry and expense of the search that involved hundreds of people and vehicles.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. And why is this story newsworthy? I guess I don’t understand the significance of this exercise of poor judgment by a young woman. Is this a famous family or was there someone injured during the search that distinguishes this false report from literally dozens of others that come to the police each week.

  2. I am not a posek, and I don’t play one on TV, but…

    From the perspective of the first responders, I doubt they would be liable for chillul Shabbos, since they were operating under the situation of safek piku’ach nefesh.

    Therefore, while the headline is sure to garner viewers, as was intended, it is technically incorrect.

  3. I don’t think that breaking Shabbos for a case of suffek sakanas nefashos should be termed “chillul Shabbos” as this is what is required by halacha in such a situation.

  4. It’s 2012, which 21 year old doesn’t have a cell phone? Once again Jewish mothers fear for the worst and it ends up being nothing. Her trip should have been 38Km ,instead she drove an additional 26Km to Ashdod- I think her Chosson should get her a GPS instead of a ring.

  5. So where was the Chilul Shabbos?
    All she did wrong was start out too late in the day and not gotten to a phone before Shabbos – and for all we know that may have been beyond her control.
    She did the right thing by not calling on Shabbos. And they did the right thing by doing whatever necessary in a possibly life-threatening situation. And instead of the TV and radio broadcasters needlessly being michallel Shabbos – like every other week – they were actually doing a permissible act in aiding a possibly life-threatening situation.
    In the final picture, everyone ended up doing the correct thing and the over-all picture resulted in less chillul Shabbos than usual.
    And all because of a wrong turn by a soon-to-be-married girl who obviously had no access to a phone.

  6. Please lay out the fact as is: shopping in the morning had nothing to do with her gps making her make a wrong turn. She went to her chosson for shabbos at mizkeret batya and her gps misled her right before shabbos. She panicked and stopped a frum family if she can stay there cus it was shabbos already. She indeed wanted to notify her parents but her phone had died and shabbos came in and that was the story. Now mishteret yisroel is not frum; they would’ve loved the end of the story to be “that cus she called home on shabbos and was mechalel shabbos”…..

  7. If someone doesn’t show up on time for Shabbos, the overwhelming likelihood is they were delayed and had to cancel. If the travel was in a place with many Yidden, there is really no reason to worry. If something bad happened (statistically, the most likely problem was a traffic accident),the authorities would try to make contact. The truth is that most people who are late have not had a catastrophe, and that there is nothing you can do. The parents shouldn’t have assumed the least likely scenario.

  8. and should your headline be correct, that it was not pikuach nefesh and therefore, she caused chilul shabbos,wouldn’t this story be loshon hara? You used a first name and last intitial, you stated where choson lives, there are people that know her in Israel and are reading this story… Please live up to your name of YESHIVA World!

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