Obama Says Not Acceptable For ‘Handful Of Republicans’ To Block Fiscal Deal

President Barack Obama accused a “handful of Republicans” in the House of Representatives on Friday of holding up legislation to extend tax cuts for middle-class Americans in order to try to preserve them for the wealthy.

Facing a year-end fiscal crunch, Obama used a visit to a toy factory to try to drum up support among Americans and pressure Republicans in Congress to agree to his proposal to let the tax cuts expire for Americans who make more than $250,000 a year.

Obama blamed Republicans who control the House of holding up a deal.

“It’s not acceptable to me and I don’t think it’s acceptable to you for just a handful of Republicans in Congress to hold middle-class tax cuts hostage simply because they don’t want tax rates on upper income folks to go up,” Obama said.


7 Responses

  1. It’s not acceptable for a handful of senators to force millions of Americans to buy something (health insurance) that they don’t want to buy.

  2. A handful: NO

    A majority of the members of the House of Representative: YES

    (budget is in the hands of House, at least under our Constitution –
    and the idea of limiting the executive’s control of the budget goes back in its earliest form to Magna Carta).

  3. The President seems to forget that part of Democracy is debate and disagreement. Mr. Obama indeed won the election but he should remember 48% of the country voted against him. What makes this country great is the rights of those holding minority opinions can fearlessly proclaim their opinion.
    It is shameful for the President to engage in bullying to get his way by vilifying those who disagree with him.

  4. Sorry OblamO but you can’t have everything. You want money we don’t have. You want to shmear all your voters and union buddies but there aint no money to do it with!!

    Too bad all those people were stupid enough to voter for your destructiveness again.

  5. obummer knows taxing the rich will not solve the problem he just does not care. he is arrogant and the people of America were fools to re-elect him. Go to hawaii and spend millions on your vacation; our milllions not yours

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