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Barkat Working to Maintain Good Relations with Chareidim Ahead of Elections

While the nation focuses on the national elections set for 11 Shevat 5773, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is busy working, not just running the capital but looking ahead to the mayoral elections next year – well aware of the fact that chareidi support in a reelection bid is essential.

Life between the secular mayor and chareidim has been a bumpy road on the best of days, especially with the mayor supporting a dati leumi candidate for Ashkenazi chief rabbi of the city. In addition, the mayor’s taste in city cultural activities, shabbos events, and other policy decisions have been at the heart of many disagreements between the mayor’s office and chareidi councilmen. One of the soar points early into the administration was the city’s decision to operate the Karta parking lot on shabbos to facilitate parking for secular visitors to the city arriving by private vehicle. Meah Shearim residents hold weekly protests on shabbos to decry the chilul shabbos since the parking lot began shabbos operations.

Nevertheless, if one connects the dots one can see the mayor is no longer a political novice as he was when he entered Safra Square, and today he is making an effort to maintain an open channel of dialogue with chareidi parties.

When asked to approve the appointment of Avraham Kroizer as a campaign advisor to Shas’ Aryeh Deri, the mayor did not object, despite the fact that Kroizer also serves as an advisor to Jerusalem City Hall on chareidi affairs. The appointment provides the mayor with a direct link to Deri and Shas, a most welcome reality ahead of elections.

Then we can take the appointment of Yaakov Isaac as a media advisor to Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman, with Isaac also serving as an advisor in City Hall. And not to be forgotten is the Shomrei Emunim faction, represented on the Jerusalem City Council by Deputy Mayor Yossi Deutsch. Over recent months, it has been reported that Deutsch has been a welcome guest in the mayor’s home, once again, maintaining an informal channel of communications. The mayor continues showing a particular fondness for Deutsch.

We mustn’t forget that when election time arrives there will be issues to iron out between Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisrael, first and foremost the battle of who gets the top spot, i.e. the mayoral candidate. While others posit that since Meir Porush lost last time around, it will be Agudas Yisrael’s turn but others say Agudah blew it and now, it’s back to Degel. This will be determined as the election nears.

When Degel’s Uri Lupoliansky served as mayor a representative of Shlomei Emunim received a senior appointment, the city’s housing portfolio. Some believe that the mayor’s wooing of Deutsch may be his effort to seek the deputy’s support and in return, he will offer him the housing portfolio in the next term.

What is certain is that for one thing, Degel and Agudas Yisrael have issues to work out ahead of the city elections, and for another, the mayor is setting his sights on a second term and has already begin patching up relations with chareidim towards realizing his dream.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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