Israeli Ambassador to the UN: What Kind of Palestinian State?

In his opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor explains the PA (Palestinian Authority) move to seek non-member observe status in the United Nations is an attempt to bypass negotiations with Israel.

The ambassador points out that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) does not represent all of the people, for he has no control over Gaza whatsoever.

Mr. Prosor simply questions why the world needs another terrorist state, adding that nations joining the UN must pledge to be “peace loving” and what was seen recently in Gaza is a far cry from that definition.

Read the ambassadors words in the WSJ:

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The world can not comprehend the whole idea of a Jewish state. A State created for the benefit of People who have a Jewish Mother who had a Jewish mother.
    Even if a Jew lived in Taiwan for thousnds of years and is not religious, but has a Jewish grand-mother, is accepted in Israel. But without a Jewish grand-mother, he’s not accepted.
    What’s that all about?
    Since Nazi’sm, the world looks at the notion of measuring a person, according, to, who his mother was, a form of racism. Its like, ‘Were only accepting people who’s father was blonde’.

  2. To date, the Palestinians have never been able to demonstrate in action that they are committed to peace. They have uttered things in various contexts, but they also proven repeatedly that their words have absolutely no worth. Abbas continues to threaten Israel in Arabic, showing a different face to US, EU, and the UN. It must be resolved that only actioins speak.

  3. #1, On the contrary many countries have the same law. Germany, for instance, to this day, has citizenship for Germans who haven’t lived there in centuries, and not for non-Germans who were born there.

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