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Talmidim Instructed Not to Report to IDF Induction Centers

A sign dated 14 Kislev 5773 has been posted in Ponevezh Yeshiva instructing talmidim who receive a notice to appear in an IDF induction center not to report. It states the letter is from Rav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

The letter to talmidim is quite clear, instructing them to simply ignore daft notices and not to report to induction center. This is due to the fact that thousands of talmidim are scheduled to be drafted into the IDF in the coming months, talmidim who appeared in induction centers and filled out forms.

Earlier in the week, YWN-ISRAEL reported that the Vaad Yeshivos is also calling upon talmidim and avreichim not to report to induction centers if they receive a letter telling them to begin the induction process.

Interestingly, in Yated Ne’eman, “Maranan Rabbanan Gedolei Yisrael Shlita” are quoted as saying that when one reports to an induction center, “one should not sign anything”.

In HaPeles on the other hand, “Maranan Rabbanan Gedolei Yisrael Shlita” are quoted as saying “not to report to an induction center” at all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If those yeshivos receive government money, I suspect there will be problems. The government is always tight on money, and this will be a good excuse to cut off any funding for non-zionist institutions. Even if they don’t, the zionists might use this as an excuse to arrest the rabbanim for obstructing government functions.

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