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Israel’s Labor Party Primary Elections Today

The Labor Party is holding its primary elections today, 15 Kislev 5773. 60,424 registered Laborites may exercise their right to vote in one of 450 polling stations nationwide. Polling stations will operate from 10:00 to 22:00. No less than 83 names appear on the ballots and the party members will have to select the people they would like to see represent them in the 19th Knesset. Polls show Labor will earn about 20 seats so anyone above that number is viewed as being in an unrealistic spot for becoming an MK this time around.

Following the Likud’s fiasco, the massive nationwide computer voting system failure, Labor Party leader Shelly Yacimovich ordered mixed computerized paper ballot vote towards avoiding such an event. Party officials announced the results will be publicized on Friday morning at 7:00am.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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