Hurricane Sandy: Update For Far Rockaway / Bayswater / 5 Towns Communities

The following was sent to YWN by the Achiezer Organization:

We understand that there are still many needs, concerns, and issues that impacted homeowners are still facing. Achiezer is continuing to assess the ongoing needs of our community as we struggle through this recovery phase. Please read this detailed update below and email us with any input or concerns that you may have so that we can further coordinate our resources to assist our community members.


Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting TONIGHT at 7:30pm with various government agencies to respond to the thousands of questions and concerns in our community for assistance. The meeting will take place at the Agudath Israel of West Lawrence (Rabbi Brown) located at 631 Lanett Avenue where representatives from FEMA, SBA, LIPA, the Mayor’s Office as well as other agencies will be advising how we can take advantage of every opportunity for assistance.

Additionally, in an effort to address challenges that have occurred both at home and in school as a result of the recent storm, Madraigos School Based Services, with the support of the Gruss and Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education, have put together a program for parents and teachers. The evening will feature Dr. David Pelcovitz speaking on “How Children Experience Trauma” and Rabbi Jonathan Rietti speaking on “Rebuilding Resiliency in Children” in both home and school. The evening features a unique opportunity for both parents and teachers to learn how to create consistent messages of stability and safety after an event that challenged both. The program will take place this Thursday, November 29th, 8:15pm at The White Shul in Far Rockaway.


Unfortunately, due to the demand and need, there will be one final Shaimos truck at the Young Israel of Woodmere. Shaimos can be dropped off on SUNDAY ONLY from 9am-3pm.


Many families have suffered significant damage to their homes and are in desperate need of housing. Some of these families have been able to find temporary housing and many have been graciously hosted by friends, relatives and other families. While sharing homes has been an effective so far, it is not an optimal long term solution.

We are now working on finding apartments and homes of “snowbirds” who spend the winter months in Florida. We will be working directly with the owners to accommodate all concerns and specifications. If anyone knows of any owners who would be willing to let us use or rent their homes for a few months, kindly contact [email protected] with the address, size and dates of availability.


As previously mentioned the clothing distribution center at Shor Yoshuv is no longer in operation. If anyone still requires clothing for individuals or families, please email us at [email protected] and we will confidentially handle your requests.


Once again, we would like to thank the J-LINK who along with Achiezer co-hosted another free walk-in legal and insurance clinic for the Far Rockaway/Five Towns community on Sunday at the Young Israel of Lawrence/Cedarhurst. Lawyers and insurance professionals were able to assist many families with questions in the Young Israel of Lawrence/Cedarhurst. Any further questions regarding these clinics can be directed to [email protected].


In order to further assist impacted homeowners, we have been trying to assess the ongoing needs of our community for public adjusters and insurance professionals with rebuilding efforts. If you are a homeowner who does have insurance (flood or otherwise) and still requires the services of an adjuster, please contact us as soon as possible at [email protected] so that we can better assist you.


Many people have been experiencing difficulty and confusion with the FEMA application process. Sruly Miller has been working with Jeanie Silver from Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s office as well as researching and gathering necessary information on the matter. Anyone who has any questions, concerns or issues, can contact him directly and he will try his best to assist anyone in need. He can be reached at 516-791-4444 or via email to [email protected].


Dozens of space heaters have been distributed and there are still space heaters available for those who require. Kindly call our office at 516-791-4444 or email [email protected] to arrange for pickup.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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