PLEASE HELP: Matanos L’evyonim In Flatbush & Lakewood Given ON Purim Morning!

Believe it or not, there are families that do not have money to pay for their own Seudas Purim. That is not an underestimate. There is real poverty out there. These people are your neighbors and you don’t even know! Many of these families struggle with their daily bills, and can’t make ends meet. They have all had their share of electric and gas shut-offs, owing money to their grocery, tuition’s, medical bills and other pressing issues.

There is no greater Mitzvah then making poor people happy on Purim.

While many of us continuously donate to causes in Eretz Yisroel, many times the poor are suffering in our own backyards. The Halacha is clear: “Aniyei Ircha come first”. Money will be given out in Flatbush and Lakewood on Purim morning to dozens of families. This is overseen and handled by Rabbonim.

PLEASE open your hearts and donate generously.

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