Israel: Jelly Donuts Bring in the Donations for Tzedaka

For Beit Shemesh resident Eli Klein eating jelly donuts is not just an act prompted by a desire for the high category treats, but he is compelled by the fact that each bite brings in additional funds for tzedaka organizations in Eretz Yisrael.

The 32-year-old former resident of Manhattan moved to Eretz Yisrael 4.5 years ago. Together with two friends, the threesome two years ago posted an entry on Facebook, informing followers of their contest, to see who can consume the most jelly donuts from Rosh Chodesh Kislev through Chanukah.

He told Maariv that which each donut he consumed, he posted it to Facebook and Twitter. One thing led to another and the contest was held the following year as well. people started sending money with each donut consumed, and in less than a month, Eli and his friends raised 33,000 NIS which they distributed to 44 tzedaka organizations. This was accomplished by his eating 70 donuts by the way.

As such, they are going at it again this year and they hope to raise 65,000 NIS for tzedaka this year, which Eli realizes will compel him to eat 125 donuts by the end of Chanukah. Surprisingly, he is managing to keep his weight down despite the successful donut eating effort.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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