Satmar Says ‘No’ to R’ Amnon Yitzchak in Knesset

It did not take long for Satmar to reject the announcement made on Tuesday 13 Kislev 5773 by Rav Amnon Yitzchak, who plans to launch a party and run for Knesset.

It appears the rav will now have to decide between realizing his political aspirations, which he explains is לשם שמים and forgoing funding from the Satmar Chassidus. Kikar Shabbat quotes “senior Satmar officials” as explaining if this is so, and the rav plans to run for Knesset, Satmar will have to halt all funding to the rav’s Shofar organization.

Rav Yitzchak told participants in a shiur that he feels after over three decades of working on behalf of the tzibur, taking his efforts to Knesset in the form of a political party is the correct move towards being an advocate for Torah yiddishkheit in the Israeli parliament.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Satmar does not recognize the Medinah as a legitimate government. From their perspective, the zionists are usurpers and frauds trying to pass off Medinat Yisrael as a Jewish state. Participating in their elections would be recognition of the state.

  2. Everyone has rights the rav has a right to run for political office and satmar has a right to halt back from supporting his shofar organization.

  3. VERY INTERESTING, quite understandable NOW where some of R. Amnon ideas and sayings relating to Medinah originate from. So Rav Amnon now has to decide is it idealogy and working for the betterment of the kehilla or is it ‘my cash supporters’?

    SATMAR is the ‘cash cow’ behind many things that transgress in our frum world. Does anyone wonder where SATMAR gets their cash from?

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